Podcast: Accelerating the Adoption of Additive Manufacturing

What if you had access to micron-size Legos that could build anything? It may sound like a dream from the future, but it’s happening now. From U.S. aircraft parts to medical implants, additive manufacturing is a nearly 30-year-old process that’s finally having its moment.

By definition, additive manufacturing is the technology used to build 3-D objects layer-by-layer, no matter if the material is metal, plastic, concrete or even human tissue. From an industrial production perspective, it’s a transformative approach that reduces energy, cuts waste, decreases production time, and allows for greater design flexibility.

John E. Barnes, Founder & Manager Partner of The Barnes Global Advisors, sat down to discuss the evolution of additive manufacturing, including Pittsburgh's Neighborhood 91, the first development in the world to connect and condense all components of the 3-D printing supply chain into one powerful production ecosystem.

Listen in: SAE International Tomorrow Today Podcast